Dancing Corner Class Registration

2024-2025 Dance & Fitness Classes

Please complete the form below. We will contact you to confirm. If you would like to pay online, we will email our Square payment link to you so you can pay using credit/debit card. Or payment can be made by check, debit or credit card on the day of your first class. Thanks!

NOTE: Number of Classes per week cannot be combined for family Members.
An annual registration/insurance fee of $30 is additional. Pointe Class fee is $22.50 in addition to class/workshop fee. PLEASE SELECT ONLY THE SAME NUMBER OF CLASSES BELOW THAT MATCHES YOUR DESIRED NUMBER OF CLASSES PER WEEK.

*NOTE: Pointe Classes require a $22.50 fee in addition to multiple class or workshop fee

If “YES”, we will send you an email with your total amount due and a link to our Square online payment system. If “No Thanks”, we will send you an email with your total amount due prior to attending your first class.

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